Welcome to the Uganda Eyenkya Development Project Group (UEDPG), where our commitment lies in shaping the future by providing education and vocational training opportunities to the youth. We strongly believe that empowering the younger generation with knowledge and skills is key to creating a thriving and sustainable community.

At UEDPG, our mission is twofold – Child Education and Vocational Training. We understand the importance of a holistic approach to development, and we strive to make a lasting impact by nurturing young minds and equipping them with practical skills for a brighter future.

Child Education Division.

In our Child Education division, we focus on providing quality education to children, ensuring they have the tools and knowledge necessary to build a strong foundation. Through partnerships with schools and educational institutions, we work towards creating an environment that fosters learning, creativity, and personal growth.

Vocational Training Division.

Our Vocational Training division is a testament to our commitment to practical skill development. Collaborating with BEKADEV Training Agency, we have embarked on a journey to offer comprehensive vocational skills training to the youth. Our current focus areas include:

Tailoring and Fashion Design:

Nurturing creativity and craftsmanship in the world of fashion.

Hairdressing and Cosmetology:

Providing the skills needed for success in the beauty industry.

Electrical Installation and Solar Systems:

Empowering youth to contribute to the sustainable energy sector.

Secretarial and Computer Studies:

Bridging the digital divide and preparing youth for administrative roles.