• Empowering Communities

About Us

Who We Are

We Empower Communities
Uganda Eyenkya Development Project Group is an indigenous non-profit, non-governmental, and non-political community-based organization founded in 1998, established in 1999, and registered in 2009 under Masaka District (Reg. No. CD 6023). When Kalungu District was carved off Masaka District in July 2010, UEDPG was newly registered under Kalungu District (Reg. No. KDLG/0259/2011). The organization's catchment area is Kalungu District with an estimated population of 177,200 people.

Our Aim

UEDPG aims at reducing morbidity and mortality among the most disadvantaged people in Kalungu District. To improve the nutrition and health status of people and help to establish a framework for integrated district-based development of social services in the country:


A community advocating And Promoting All Rights of Vulnerable Groups of People for Sustainable Development


To enhance community empowerment to all groups of people for sustainable development

Our Activities &Catchment Areas!

The Organization operates in close partnership with local communities and local government in the areas of needs identified by the communities themselves. The Organization is involved in Governance and accountability, Economic empowerment, Orphans and Vulnerable Children support, HIV/AIDS prevention and care, Health, Water and sanitation, Advocacy, Youth skilling, as well as the formation and strengthening of Self-help groups in all the Seven sub-counties of Kalungu District. These sub-counties include Bukulula, Kalungu, Lwabenge, and Kyamulibwa Sub-counties, as well as Kalungu, Lukaya, and Kyamulibwa Town Councils.

Specific Objectives

Empowering Communities

Welfare, Healthcare & access to education.

To advocate for welfare, healthcare and access to education for orphans and vulnerable children affected and infected by HIV/AIDS and other natural disasters

Agricultural Productivity

To promote agricultural productivity for both subsistence and commercial (aspects) programs in different crops like seasonal and perennial crops of our choice.

Deccent Housing and Sanitation

To support the establishment of decent housing and sanitation facilities for widows, elderly and orphaned families with HIV/AIDS and other natural disasters.

Fight Diseases

To fight against the deadly Epidemic HIV/AIDS.

Food security

To encourage and support food security activities.

Environmental Protection

To promote activities of Nature conservation and environmental protection.

Women Empowerment

To mobilize the women more especially the poorest of the poor women in order to train them in income generating activities so as to become self-reliant.

Prevent Gender-based Violence

To prevent gender based and domestic violence acts within the community.

Self Sustainance

To establish and initiate income generating self-help projects for self- sustenance and community development of the targeted groups

Become a Volunteer in 3 Easy Steps!

Our Guidelines to become a volunteer

  • Respect confidentiality and privacy
  • Be punctual and reliable
  • Carry out the duties listed in your volunteer position description
  • Be accountable
  • Give notice if your availability changes or you are leaving the organisation
  • Report any injuries or hazards that you notice in the workplace
  • Adhere to the organisation's policies and procedures
  • Deal with complaints in the appropriate manner
  • Undertake training as requested
  • Ask for support when needed
  • Support other team members
  • Respect the cultural norms & customs of the people

Our Team

What People Saying About Us!